Friday, 26 August 2011

*Update* 16/08/11

Hey all :)

Exciting times indeed at Jim Studios, I just added a new blog post about, ooo, 30 seconds ago? And now here comes a little update. We've added to our collection on the Youtube Channel and another of our videos is on the EHX blog. All of you wanting chorus or some pi then head over there!

In other news, check out James Kuhnel, he's got some really cool stuff up on Myspace. Follow him on twitter as well - really great guitarist. Jim also tells me they'll some new videos appearing in the next day or so. Other than that that's all from me.

Peace, Linus

Techy Guitars

We live in a world now that is totally dominated by technology. Music itself is now full of tech, not just in the recording process and listening to music but in the playing. Instruments have been invented these days that rely completely on technology and now, its leaking into the world of guitars.

Most of you will remember a few years ago, back in 2007, when Gibson released their 'Robot Guitar'. Originally based on a Les Paul, they then went on to release it as an Explorer and as an SG. It had features such as automatic tuning and a crazy control knob that could do things only Steven Hawking could understand. They followed all this up with the Dark Fire guitar and the Dusk Tiger - I feel Gibson need to work on the names. But that's besides the point because this has been taken to a whole new level with the Firebird x (anddddd cue the outrageous vomiting)

Now I'm a fan of technological advances, things that make you step back and go, oh wow. But this? This is just wrong. What this does is it takes the soul away from a guitar. Filling a guitar with technology is like trying to fill Blenheim Palace with 48 inch TVs in every room and a KFC drive-thru by the kitchen window - ridiculous. The thing is just too mind-boggling and what you'll find if you try one is that it detracts from the playing. All the knobs and switches are simply too much and you can't focus on what you're playing.

The appeal in this guitar could be enormous and on the face of it (to someone who doesn't know an awful lot  about guitars) its a good buy. Lots of different tones, lots of different fx, lots of -and I quote- 'Revolutionary Features'. The pedals that come with this are linked to the guitar via bluetooth. It has 3 Piezo mini humbuckers that apparently can create 2,000 different pickup combinations using the guitar effects processing unit built into the back of the guitar.It even has a case that's been especially designed so it can be dropped from a six-story building. And there's a fantastic reason as to why that case has had to be developed because when you get home from your gig, you're going to head straight for the roof and hurl it as far as you can.

I'm not just having a pop at Gibson here. They are arguably the joint top greatest guitar makers in the world. And that my friends is a good note to leave you on. If they are so great, what possessed them to do this?

Peace, Linus

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

*Update* 10/08/11

Hey all. Just a quick update and a proper blog post will appear sometime in the next few days. If you want to discuss anything or know anything or want more info on anything please let us know and we'll try and do a blog post on it. Comment on the youtube videostwitter or on this blog!

The free pick giveaway is still going all you have to do is hit the subscribe button on our youtube channel. That'll also give you all the updates from youtube via email. There's a couple of new videos up on the channel. They can all be found here as well.

New videos will be filmed fairly soon hopefully and some other cool new stuff. In the mean time, keep an eye on here for my 'words of wisdom' (pfft) and try not to riot too much ;)

Peace, Linus

Thursday, 4 August 2011

What the hell ever happened to a bit of rock and roll eh?

What up good people! You know after 3 months worth of revision and exams, I finally turned off the radio. Its my company whilst I'm revising when most of the time you feel like testing out the strength of your walls with either your head or knuckles (I prefer head generally although it can counteract all that revision you did). Anyway, I realized something horrific in those 3 months - what happened to the radio

Flash back a couple of decades. I wasn't alive then (sadly) but the radio and record stores were full of rock and roll. Led Zep, Queen, The Clash, Nirvana, Metallica. Need I go on? Alright they weren't on all at the same time but my days would they not have been the BEST thing that came on the radio? Can you imagine just hearing the chilling beginning of Enter Sandman or the power behind Bonham's drums as the intro to Rock and Roll makes every hair on your body stand on end?

You just don't get that anymore and I feel like we've been robbed or certainly people of my generation have. I didn't even really listen to the punk rock days of Blink, Sum 41, The Offspring because I was only about 8-9. The first band like that I heard was New Found Glory and by the time I'd really gotten into all that, it'd just faded out. And what are we left with? Dance, Hippidy Hop, Rap. Where is the soul? Where is the passion? Where is the drunken guitarist who despite being completely off his head still brings out the most blistering solo? I'm sorry, where is the music?

Call this a rant but it's just not the same listening to the records knowing these bands will never make them again. Today we're left with an incredibly sorry period in music where most look to people who in years to come will never go down as 'greats'. The Gaga's and Beiber's of this world will never be great musicians; merely over produced junk. It is left to the likes of Foo Fighters to wave the now lonely flag of Rock n Roll. Music like all good things in this world appears to be dying a little bit. Perhaps one day, one day the great times will return. Perhaps not.

A sad day for all.

Peace, Linus